”With a lot of fake news and confusion about the best advice for nutrition and optimum health, my series of podcasts focus on scientific research and latest developments - in discussion with leading health experts - giving you ’real’ information.” Patrick Holford is a Nutrition Expert and Founder of the Institute for Optimum Nutrition
Friday Jan 05, 2024
Calm Your Mind with Food
Friday Jan 05, 2024
Friday Jan 05, 2024
My guest today is Uma Naiidoo who founded and directed the first and only hospital-based program in Nutritional, Lifestyle and Metabolic Psychiatry and is Director of Nutritional and Psychiatry Service at Massachusetts General Hospital and serves on the faculty of Harvard Medical school.
Her books Your Brain on Food and The Food Mood Connection are bestsellers in the US. Here we focus on anxiety and her new book How to Calm Your Mind with Food - out yesterday.
For more on nutrition and anxiety see the Anxiety topic on my website. Also see my book The Stress Cure.
Friday Dec 08, 2023
The Lowdown on Omega-3 for Brain & Body
Friday Dec 08, 2023
Friday Dec 08, 2023
My podcast guest today is a legend in the world of omega-3.
Dr Bill Harris is Professor in the Department of Medicine in the Sanford School of Medicine at the University of South Dakota. He has been a front runner in measuring omega-3 status and developed the omega-3 index, running studies on the effects of omega-3, with more than 300 published pieces of research to date, backed by five National Institutes of Health grants. Perhaps best known for his expertise in relation to omega-3 and heart health.
He obtained his PhD doctorate in Human Nutrition from the University of Minnesota and did post-doctoral fellowships in Clinical Nutrition and Lipid Metabolism with Dr Bill Connor at the Oregon Health Sciences University back in the 1980’s. He has had his finger on the pulse of omega-3 research ever since.
In this podcast, we are discussing his latest study on omega-3 status as a predictor of Alzheimer’s and dementia risk.
Read more about Alzheimer's and Dementia on my website. Also see my book Upgrade Your Brain.
Friday Nov 03, 2023
Why Our Brains Are Shrinking
Friday Nov 03, 2023
Friday Nov 03, 2023
Friday Oct 06, 2023
Can Nutrition Stop Alzheimer’s?
Friday Oct 06, 2023
Friday Oct 06, 2023
For a change, in this month’s podcast I’m interviewed by Philly J Lay, a long-standing advocate for our health and that of our planet.
She is passionate in her belief that everything is connected and that when we learn to heal ourselves, we will start to heal this beautiful planet. After a near death experience and years of grief, resulting in a range of chronic illnesses, she discovered personalised natural medicine and the associated miracles of the body and power of the mind, which she wrote about in her first book, The Natural Wellness Journal.
In this podcast she interviews me about my health journey and why I’m passionate about the power of optimum nutrition on mental health.
We'll be covering:
- Understanding Alzheimer's Disease: Explore the basics of Alzheimer's disease, including its symptoms and prevalence.
- The Impact of Nutrition: Discover how nutrition plays a pivotal role in brain health and the prevention of Alzheimer's.
- Brain-Boosting Foods: Insights into specific foods and nutrients that can support cognitive function and reduce the risk of Alzheimer's.
- Nutrition and Lifestyle: Learn about the holistic approach to Alzheimer's prevention, including the role of lifestyle factors such as exercise and stress management.
- The Importance of Early Intervention: Understand the significance of early dietary interventions in promoting brain health throughout life.
Visit my website to learn more about optimum nutrition and mental health. Or see my books The Optimum Nutrition Bible, Optimum Nutrition for the Mind and The Alzheimer's Prevention Plan.
Friday Sep 08, 2023
The Myth Stories That Sell Drugs
Friday Sep 08, 2023
Friday Sep 08, 2023
We are told serotonin deficiency causes depression; too much cholesterol excess causes heart disease; too much acid causes heartburn. Now we are being told too much amyloid causes Alzheimer’s.
These statements are the key rationale for selling antidepressants, cholesterol lowering drugs, antacids and soon, anti-amyloid antibody injections. But are they true or are they myth stories designed to sell drugs, cloaked in dubious circumstantial evidence, backed up by medical guidelines, but not by the actual science or what actually causes these diseases?
Join me in conversation with award-winning medical journalist, Jerome Burne.
Read more in my blogs and reports on my website.
Friday Jul 21, 2023
Your Brain on Ketones
Friday Jul 21, 2023
Friday Jul 21, 2023
- Why does your brain fuel on either glucose or ketones, derived from fat?
- Why do the brains of babies need ketones for rapid building on their neural network?
- Can eating fats, such as C8, help prevent or reverse brain ageing?
- Do you have to go ketogenic to get the benefit?
- How can a ketogenic diet or supplements help mental health and mental illness?
To answer these and other questions and explore the whole role ketones and fat play in your brain health, my podcast guest this month is the leading world expert, Professor Stephen Cunnane, who heads the Brain Research Team at Sherbrooke University in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada.
Professor Stephen Cunnane holds the clinical research chair in ketotherapeutics. His research is focused on how ketogenic interventions (supplements, diets) can help prevent Alzheimer’s, slow down cognitive decline and deliver more ‘brain power’.
We will also be talking about the latest research showing how ketogenic diets can help Parkinson’s, epilepsy and other mental and neurological conditions including their effects on mood and anxiety.
Find out more about Ketogenic dieting and mind health on my website.
Friday Jun 02, 2023
Autism Has Quadrupled. Why?
Friday Jun 02, 2023
Friday Jun 02, 2023
The number of children diagnosed with autistic spectrum disorders has escalated from 1 in 250 to 1 in 58 last year in the US. Although often described as ‘genetic’ obviously the genes haven’t changed, so what’s going on in the environment that’s driving this rapid breakdown in neurodevelopment?
Paul Shattock OBE has spent his life researching autism, and is the Chair of the ESPA (Education and Services for People with Autism) and former director of the Autism Research Unit at the University of Sunderland.
There he showed that many autistic children had ‘casomorphins’ and ‘gliadorphins’ – opioids created from wheat and milk when the gut is leaky – in their urine. This is but one of many factors linked to increasing risk for ASD and other neurodevelopmental problems.
We’ll be having a frank discussion about everything from vitamins to vaccines, essential fats to environmental toxins - learning from a man whose dedicated decades to finding out what’s going on and how to help children and their families.
For more information about nutrition and brain health go to the mind health topic on my website or see Optimum Nutrition for the Mind.
Friday May 05, 2023
Cancer - Is It Metabolic or Genetic?
Friday May 05, 2023
Friday May 05, 2023
Professor Thomas Seyfried is renowned in the field of cancer for helping keep people with aggressive cancers stay alive by following his science-based protocols. How? That’s what we will find out.
Thomas Seyfried is Professor of Biology at Boston College and received his PhD in Genetics and Biochemistry from the University of Illinois back in 1976 when genetics was in its infancy. He was Assistant Professor in the Department of Neurology at Yale University School of Medicine. He has received Lifetime Achievement Awards from the Academy of Complimentary and Integrative Medicine among others and the Uncompromising Science Award from the American College of Nutrition for his work on cancer.
Tom has over 200 peer-reviewed publications to his name and is author of the book, Cancer as a Metabolic Disease: On the Origin, Management, and Prevention of Cancer.
You can read more about cancer and my ketogenic/low carb Hybrid diet on my website.
Friday Apr 07, 2023
The Soil - Food - Gut - Brain Superhighway
Friday Apr 07, 2023
Friday Apr 07, 2023
In this podcast I interview two pioneers in making food healthy, from the soil up.
Bob Quinn is a botanist with a PhD in plant biochemistry, who helped convert thousands of acres across Montana to growing ancient grains (Kamut) organically.
He was the first in Montana to mill whole grain, organic flour starting in 1986. By 1991 he had certified his entire 3 generation family wheat and cattle ranch as organic. He continues to experiment to improve regenerative organic systems and find better ways to grow dry land vegetables, fruit trees and berries in Montana, not only rebuilding the soil, but also the farming community for the benefit of health for all.
Tim Parton is a Farm Manager in South Staffordshire in the UK.
Tim farms in a biological way maximizing the value of nutrition to get the best out of the crops. He does not use insecticides, seed treatments, growth regulators or fungicides, as when the plant is balanced the need for synthetic inputs drops away.
Tim has won many awards including Soil Farmer of the Year 2017, Arable Innovator of the Year 2019, Sustainable Farmer of the Year 2019 and Innovation Farmer of the Year 2020.
Together, we’ll explore the journey between the soil and your health and why soil degeneration, and modern farming practices are partly responsible for declining mental and physical health. We will also explore the fundamental principles of regenerative farming and gardening.
See more information on my website and nutrition and the environment.
Find more about my rap Fight the Flour.
Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
The Role of Vitamin D in Reducing Risk of Alzheimer’s & Dementia
Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
In this podcast I’m talking to Dr William Grant, regarding the recent study showing that those who supplement vitamin D have much less risk for Alzheimer’s and dementia.
He knows more about vitamin D and the effects of sunlight than anyone I know. He’s not a medical doctor but a PhD - in physics with an entire career at NASA. After retiring from NASA, he formed the non-profit organisation, "Sunlight, Nutrition and Health Research Center” in San Francisco to continue his work on the roles of diet and UVB/ vitamin D in reducing risk of chronic and infectious diseases.
He published a review of the role of vitamin D in risk of dementia in 2009 followed by several additional publications on vitamin D and Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. He has 284 publications regarding vitamin D listed at pubmed.gov.
You can read more about Alzheimer's and Dementia on my website.